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Which isotype control should I use for IHC?

For mouse IgGs, you will need to determine the isotype of the primary antibody and use the appropriate isotype control:
IgG1: Mouse (G3A1) mAb IgG1 Isotype Control #5415
IgG2a: Mouse (E5Y6Q) mAb IgG2a Isotype Control #61656
IgG2b: Mouse (E7Q5L) mAb IgG2b Isotype Control #53484
IgG3: Mouse (E1D5H) mAb IgG3 Isotype Control #37988
Rabbits only have one IgG isotype. Therefore, for rabbit monoclonal antibodies we recommend using the Rabbit (DA1E) mAb IgG XP Isotype Control #3900 and for rabbit polyclonal antibodies, we recommend Jackson ChromPure IgG #011-000-003.

Last updated: April 19, 2024

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