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What CD45 isoforms are detected by the CD45 (D9M8I) XP (#13917), CD45 (D3F8Q) (#70257), and CD45 (D4H7K) ( #72787) Rabbit mAbs?

Our CD45 (D9M8I) XP (#13917), CD45 (D4H7K) ( #72787), and CD45 (D3F8Q) (#70257) Rabbit mAbs recognize intracellular (cytoplasmic) epitopes in the human (UnitProt ID P08575) and mouse (UniProt ID P06800) CD45 proteins, respectively. The CD45 isoforms differ in their extracellular domains as a result of alternative splicing. Therefore, #13917, #70257, and #72787 are predicted to detect all of the CD45 isoforms including CD45RO and CD45RA.

Last updated: April 16, 2024

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