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Why do I see a band at 70kD when western blotting with your PTEN (D4.3) XP Rabbit mAb #9188 and PTEN (138G6) Rabbit mAb #9559?

In humans, there is a PTEN long isoform (isoform alpha) that can potentially be detected by our PTEN (D4.3) XP Rabbit mAb #9188 and PTEN (138G6) Rabbit mAb #9559 based on sequence homology. There is also a paper that cites #9559 specifically detecting the long isoform of PTEN. [see H. Liang et. al (2014) Cell Metab. 19, 836-48, PMID: 24768297,]

Last updated: February 27, 2024

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