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PDP - Template Name: Monoclonal Antibody
PDP - Template ID: *******c5e4b77
R Recombinant
Recombinant: Superior lot-to-lot consistency, continuous supply, and animal-free manufacturing.

FosB (5G4) Rabbit mAb #2251

  • WB
  • IP
  • IHC
  • IF
  • F
  • ChIP

    Supporting Data

    SENSITIVITY Endogenous
    MW (kDa) 38 FosB2 48 FosB
    Source/Isotype Rabbit IgG
    Application Key:
    • WB-Western Blotting 
    • IP-Immunoprecipitation 
    • IHC-Immunohistochemistry 
    • IF-Immunofluorescence 
    • F-Flow Cytometry 
    • ChIP-Chromatin Immunoprecipitation 
    Species Cross-Reactivity Key:
    • H-Human 
    • M-Mouse 
    • R-Rat 

    Product Information

    Product Usage Information

    For optimal ChIP results, use 10 μl of antibody and 10 μg of chromatin (approximately 4 x 106 cells) per IP. This antibody has been validated using SimpleChIP® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kits.

    Application Dilution
    Western Blotting 1:1000
    Immunoprecipitation 1:50
    Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) 1:50 - 1:200
    Immunofluorescence (Immunocytochemistry) 1:800 - 1:1600
    Flow Cytometry (Fixed/Permeabilized) 1:100 - 1:400
    Chromatin IP 1:50


    Supplied in 10 mM sodium HEPES (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 100 µg/ml BSA, 50% glycerol and less than 0.02% sodium azide. Store at –20°C. Do not aliquot the antibody.

    For a carrier free (BSA and azide free) version of this product see product #32170.


    Specificity / Sensitivity

    FosB (5G4) Rabbit mAb detects endogenous levels of total FosB protein (both FosB and FosB2 isoforms). The antibody does not cross-react with other Fos proteins, including c-fos, FRA1 and FRA2.

    Species Reactivity:

    Human, Mouse, Rat

    Source / Purification

    Monoclonal antibody is produced by immunizing animals with a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues surrounding Ala140 of human FosB protein.


    The Fos family of nuclear oncogenes includes c-Fos, FosB, Fos-related antigen 1 (FRA1), and Fos-related antigen 2 (FRA2) (1). While most Fos proteins exist as a single isoform, the FosB protein exists as two isoforms: full-length FosB and a shorter form, FosB2 (Delta FosB), which lacks the carboxy-terminal 101 amino acids (1-3). The expression of Fos proteins is rapidly and transiently induced by a variety of extracellular stimuli, including growth factors, cytokines, neurotransmitters, polypeptide hormones, and stress. Fos proteins dimerize with Jun proteins (c-Jun, JunB, and JunD) to form Activator Protein-1 (AP-1), a transcription factor that binds to TRE/AP-1 elements and activates transcription. Fos and Jun proteins contain the leucine-zipper motif that mediates dimerization and an adjacent basic domain that binds to DNA. The various Fos/Jun heterodimers differ in their ability to transactivate AP-1 dependent genes. In addition to increased expression, phosphorylation of Fos proteins by Erk kinases in response to extracellular stimuli may further increase transcriptional activity (4-6). Phosphorylation of c-Fos at Ser32 and Thr232 by Erk5 increases protein stability and nuclear localization (5). Phosphorylation of FRA1 at Ser252 and Ser265 by Erk1/2 increases protein stability and leads to overexpression of FRA1 in cancer cells (6). Following growth factor stimulation, expression of FosB and c-Fos in quiescent fibroblasts is immediate, but very short-lived, with protein levels dissipating after several hours (7). FRA1 and FRA2 expression persists longer, and appreciable levels can be detected in asynchronously growing cells (8). Deregulated expression of c-Fos, FosB, or FRA2 can result in neoplastic cellular transformation; however, Delta FosB lacks the ability to transform cells (2,3).

    For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
    Cell Signaling Technology is a trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.
    Alexa Fluor is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.
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